organic food in pune

The major problem everyone has nowadays is diabetes,  and if you are a diabetic, you should watch what you eat. Diabetes has different types, and among these types, type 2 can be cured by controlling what you eat. It is a common problem that almost every person in this world is facing. When your blood sugar exceeds normal, you get detected with diabetes.

If not taken care of, it may end up in major damage to the nerve cells. If you want to stop diabetes from getting worse, you need to stick to a few healthy food habits. Eating healthy means eating organically grown food containing all the nutrients, vitamins, calcium, etc., which is essential for your body. So here is the list of some foods that you can add to your diet to keep your blood sugar in control.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its authentic aroma and medicinal value. It is a spice found in every kitchen, and organic raw cinnamon has a lot of benefits. It helps in weight loss and is also useful for patients who are suffering from diabetes. Having Cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels. The amount of antioxidants in Cinnamon helps in curing diabetes, and it is referred by doctors too.

  • Chia Seeds

The intake of chia seeds helps in the better management of diabetes. The nutrition value of chia seeds is high, and organic chia seeds are high in dietary fibres. Their nature is inflammatory and helps in weight management. You can include chia seeds in your breakfast like oatmeal or yoghurt, salad, etc.

  • Turmeric

Apart from being a spice, it is known for its anti-inflammatory nature. It is recommended to eat low-carb food, and thus turmeric is low in carbs. Its unbelievable health benefits can reduce any kind of disease. Adding turmeric to your daily regimen will reduce diabetic complications.

  • Whole grain and High-fiber

Eating complex substances helps in better management of sugar levels in your body.  An essential consideration in the diet of a diabetic person is the kind of flour you consume. Rather than consuming regular wheat flour, you can use buckwheat flour. It boosts your soluble fibre, and therefore, helps in lowering blood sugar.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seeds are preferred in diabetes because it contains a high amount of fibre. Moreover, it is advised to soak the flaxseeds overnight and take that water the next day. Flax seeds powder is also beneficial for diabetic patients, and you can take nearly 10 to 20 grams of flax seeds.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic and raw apple cider vinegar is a healthy drink, worth taking if you have diabetes. On the other hand, taking apple cider vinegar daily may decline diabetes symptoms. Apple cider is considered an essential organic food to decrease blood fasting. Incorporating apple cider one spoon daily is worth it as it has less than 1 gram of carbohydrates.


If you genuinely want to lead a healthy life, make your lifestyle healthy, not boring.  More exercise and healthy food have a positive impact on your blood sugar levels. You must have heard that people who suffer from diabetes should not eat starchy and sugary food. However, eating a balanced diet plays a vital role in controlling your diabetes. You can keep control of how much to eat, and many doctors advise eating organic to cure this problem. Orgakawach Foods is an organic food selling store in Pune that sells 100% organic groceries. If you are at the same place and want to buy organic food in Pune, trust Orgakawach Foods. You can even get all the above listed organic food from them.

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