Green Agriculture

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We Serve Pure Organic Food, Our food is free of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers and dyes. Also verified by the certifications of the brands of products available.



As the logo and slogan suggest, it is all about the care of health of your family.



Here you don’t need to check the freshness of products, as the products delivered to you or products in the store are always fresh and recently packed & maintained fresh.



We ensure that all products are neatly packed and stored at the required temperature.
We also verify the Packing date, Expiry date and Weightage of all products..

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Sachin Gunjakar
Sachin Gunjakar

Thanks to the Orgakawach Team for delivering organic foods to my doorstep. I am thankful to everyone who has become a medium for me to get such tasty organic fruits!

Sachin Gunjakar
Swapnil Aswale

Amazing experience with Orgakawach. trusted me enough to leave the COD order on the door, Definitely ordering again.. you have earned a loyal customer.

Sachin Gunjakar
Dnyaneshwar Dake

Post Covid19 I have been looking for a proper online seller of organic products and finally I have found the right one. Very happy with Orgakawach I ordered a bunch of products like oils, pulses, organic tea, ginger paste etc., very much satisfied with what I got. High quality, 100% organic, and quick delivery despite the lockdown. Highly recommended.

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From our blog

20 January

Organic VS Conventional Farming

The essential difference between organic and conventional farming is that conventional farming relies on chemical intervention to fight pests and weeds and provide plant nutrition. That means synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.

Organic farming relies on natural principles like biodiversity and composting instead to produce healthy, abundant food.

Importantly, Organic production is not simply the avoidance of conventional chemical inputs, nor is it the substitution of natural inputs for synthetic ones.

Organic farmers apply techniques first used thousands of years ago, such as crop rotations and the use of composted animal manures and green manure crops, in ways that are economically sustainable in todays world.

In organic production, overall system health is emphasized, and the interaction of management practices is the primary concern. Organic producers implement a wide range of strategies to develop and maintain biological diversity and replenish soil fertility (USDA, 2007).

20 January

Why Choose Organic

How your food is grown or raised can have a major impact on your mental and emotional health as well as the environment. Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives may find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods.

Here are some benefits of organic food:

  1. Organic food is fresher
    Organic food is also often fresher because it does not contain preservatives that prolongs its shelf life.
  2. Organic farming is better for environmental health
    Organic farming is better for the environment because its practices involve less pollution soil erosion, and energy. Eliminating the use of pesticides in farming also benefits nearby birds and animals and people who live close to farms.
  3. Organic food is GMO-free
    Genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) foods are plants whos DNA were altered in ways that do not occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
  4. Organics dont inhibit the growth of super strains
    Nature always adapts.
19 July

Top Benefits Of Organic Food

Here are some of the amazing benefits of organic food.

Higher Antioxidant Content As per the latest studies, organic food consumption can contribute to more intakes of nutritionally advantageous antioxidants and limited exposure to heavy metals. The positive effects of antioxidants on overall health have been established in several scientific studies, especially those derived from organic foods. The positive impacts of antioxidants obtained from organic foods include preventing heart disease, cancer, vision problems, premature aging, and cognitive malfunction. This is because organic foods are free of foreign chemicals and GMOs that normally react with vitamins, organic compounds, and minerals, thus lowering the essential positive impacts of antioxidants in food products.

Improved overall health The use of natural techniques such as green manure to fertilize the lands and crop rotation in pest and disease control work well in producing safer, healthier, and smellier final food products because organic food is not produced or processed by the use of chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers, it does not contain any elements of toxic chemicals and may not affect human health in harmful ways. Healthy organic food simply means healthy people and better nourishment for a better living for both people and animals.

Resistance to AntibioticsDue to humans being susceptible to various health issues and diseases, they have to take precautionary measures to ensure they remain healthy, which is achieved by getting various vaccinations and antibiotic drugs when a new strain of virus or bacteria is realized.

Non-organic food sources, especially livestock and feeds, use vaccines, growth hormones, animal by-products, and antibiotics to treat and feed the animals. When humans consume non-organic food products, they indirectly consume antibiotics, growth hormones, and vaccines that weaken immune systems on antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, and animal by-products overdose. This may alter the immune system, thereby rendering humans unable to defend themselves against diseases. The benefits of organic food are that their production processes do not involve antibiotics, growth hormones, animal by-products, or vaccines.

Better tasteKeeping nutrition aside, the mineral and sugar structures in organic foods are tasty because the crops are given more time to develop and mature. Natural and environmentally friendly agricultural production techniques (organic farming techniques) are the reason for the better taste in organic food products. It is commonly reported that the taste of organic vegetables and fruits is of higher quality than conventionally or industrially grown.

Highly NutritiousOrganic food products contain very high nutritional content because they do not contain modified r artificial ingredients than conventional agricultural food products. Another factor that makes them highly nutritious is that they are given time to develop and are provided with the best natural conditions such as fertilizers made from compost and growth. The vitamin and mineral contents of organic food products are always high as the soil life doesnt deteriorate due to synthetic chemicals, and health offers the most suitable mechanism for crops to access soil nutrients.


Organic farming is beneficial to society, but organic food consumption is also beneficial to the people at large as it is highly nutritious and doesnt cause any harm to the human body. Still, on the other hand, it is costly. Keeping the organic food products free of pests turns out to be a headache to the farmers. So whether organic food is a boon or bane is for the consumer or potential consumer to decide.

20 August


Is the food you eat safe and free from pesticides? Well, it has a very clear answer that the vegetables and fruits which we get from the market are laden with many chemicals. Farmers usually spray pesticides and other harmful chemicals on the crops to protect them from damage.  Different pesticides like herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc., are sprayed and lets face the truth we eat pesticides laden food. On the other hand, lets talk about organic food. Organic products are healthier because they are free from harmful chemicals and are produced using natural fertilizers. You can switch to organic eating as these foods are healthy and it has become a trend too. You can even order organic groceries online as many online stores sell 100% pure organic products.

Why does pesticide-laden food have harmful effects?

  • Pesticides cancause several harmful effects like cancer, Alzheimer’s and even birth defects.
  • Pesticides can harm the foetuses inside because the chemical passes from the mother to the unborn.
  • Gradual consumption of pesticides is like a slow poison to your body.
  • Moreover, pesticides are even toxic for air, water, birds and the natural environment.
  • Pesticides have some acute effects on health like skin irritation, and it may cause other health problems too.
  • Pesticides affect the natural groundwater too. It is better to eat a freshly picked organic apple than to eat thousands of pesticides that linger on non-organic fruits.

Benefits of consuming organic and Pesticide-free food:

  1. Pesticides cutback:

When you buy organic food free from chemicals, you save yourself from harmful and fatal diseases. By eating non-organic food, you expose your body to all those hazardous chemicals that cause major diseases.

  1. Organic food has higher antioxidants:

Crops and foods that are grown organically contain more vitamins and nutrients. It’s not that organic foods do not contain fertilizers, but they are chemical-free and natural fertilizers. Organic plants protect themselves from harmful insects by producing more protective antioxidants. Naturally grown food has more than 60% of antioxidants that are good for health.

  1. Fresh and better taste:

Natural and pure food tastes better because when a crop grows naturally without chemical sprays, its taste enhances to a better level. Let’s take an example of organic fruits and vegetables. You might have noticed that the apple you eat does not taste the way organic apple tastes. The potatoes seem tasteless, and the other fruits are not that tasty. This all is because of the tampering that chemical fertilizers do to the taste of the food. The only solution to get back the natural taste is to shop for organic products and enjoy the incredible taste.

At last, while summing it up, it is crucial to choose your food wisely. If you desire to live a better and healthy life, switch to organic food. Many online stores in India sell organic products that are 100% safe and healthy. If you live in Pune, then there are several shops from where you can buy organic groceries. You can now Buy Organic food in Pune by sitting in the comfort of your home. Some stores provide you with fresh and high-quality organic food at your doorsteps.

31 August

Why should we Eat Organic?

Your body needs to eat clean and green

We see a lot of people saying eat healthy and nutritious. What does it mean to eat healthily? Lets find out the main reason why people focus more on beneficial nutrients and organic food. Have you ever grown vegetables at your home using natural fertilizers? If yes, then you must be aware of its taste after cooking. You can easily differentiate between the cooked homegrown vegetables and their conventional counterparts.

The word organic food portrays healthy stuff full of nutrients. Organic food is grown naturally without chemical fertilizers and contains a rich amount of antioxidants and nutrients. That is why it is always advised to eat homegrown or organic food. Organic farming saves environment in many aspects as while growing crops there is less pollution, soil erosion and more conservation of water.

If you are residing in India, you can easily avail fresh and pesticide-free organic groceries. With the rise in the consumption of organic food, many stores are selling 100% organic groceries. If you live in a particular state, you can still get organic products by sitting at your home. Like in Pune, then some stores that deliver organic food in Pune and also across India.

Lets read out why we should eat organically grown food.

  • Organic crops have less chemical exposure

Organic eating is healthier because your body will be less exposed to harmful pesticides and herbicides. While doing organic farming, synthetic fertilizers are restricted, and farmers use natural ways to keep the pests away from crops. Some fertilizers that are approved can be used, and they are not even man-made pesticides.  When you consume food that has low exposure to chemicals, you are feeding yourself with higher vitamins and antioxidants, magnesium, etc.

  • Organic milk and dairy products have higher nutritional content

Organic meat and milk has higher Omega-3 fatty acids as compared to conventional meat and regular milk. You may say that its healthier to eat organic milk and dairy products in which no hormones are used for rapid growth.

  • GMO-free food

In organic food, the natural organisms of soil are not killed or modified. Thus, the food grown naturally is always free from any genetic modifications known as GMO free food. The genetically modified organisms are used in the crops to grow them faster to sell organic groceries in the market. It is strictly prohibited to use GMOs in organic products.

  • Organic food has rich antioxidants, magnesium and phosphorus.

When farmers spray the chemicals on crops, it destroys the harmful pests and also the useful microbial life in the soil. Soil has some essential nutrients that help the crops to grow and feeds them all the essential vitamins. An organically grown onion has more antioxidants than the one grown conventionally.


Switching to organic eating does not mean you have to change your eating habits and products overnight. You can start by eating organic fruits first, then slowly organic vegetables and so on. When you are out to buy organic groceries, check the label as they have more than 95% organic ingredients in them.

Eat healthy that is grown by nature!!

8 September


The major problem everyone has nowadays is diabetes,  and if you are a diabetic, you should watch what you eat. Diabetes has different types, and among these types, type 2 can be cured by controlling what you eat. It is a common problem that almost every person in this world is facing. When your blood sugar exceeds normal, you get detected with diabetes.

If not taken care of, it may end up in major damage to the nerve cells. If you want to stop diabetes from getting worse, you need to stick to a few healthy food habits. Eating healthy means eating organically grown food containing all the nutrients, vitamins, calcium, etc., which is essential for your body. So here is the list of some foods that you can add to your diet to keep your blood sugar in control.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its authentic aroma and medicinal value. It is a spice found in every kitchen, and organic raw cinnamon has a lot of benefits. It helps in weight loss and is also useful for patients who are suffering from diabetes. Having Cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels. The amount of antioxidants in Cinnamon helps in curing diabetes, and it is referred by doctors too.

  • Chia Seeds

The intake of chia seeds helps in the better management of diabetes. The nutrition value of chia seeds is high, and organic chia seeds are high in dietary fibres. Their nature is inflammatory and helps in weight management. You can include chia seeds in your breakfast like oatmeal or yoghurt, salad, etc.

  • Turmeric

Apart from being a spice, it is known for its anti-inflammatory nature. It is recommended to eat low-carb food, and thus turmeric is low in carbs. Its unbelievable health benefits can reduce any kind of disease. Adding turmeric to your daily regimen will reduce diabetic complications.

  • Whole grain and High-fiber

Eating complex substances helps in better management of sugar levels in your body.  An essential consideration in the diet of a diabetic person is the kind of flour you consume. Rather than consuming regular wheat flour, you can use buckwheat flour. It boosts your soluble fibre, and therefore, helps in lowering blood sugar.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seeds are preferred in diabetes because it contains a high amount of fibre. Moreover, it is advised to soak the flaxseeds overnight and take that water the next day. Flax seeds powder is also beneficial for diabetic patients, and you can take nearly 10 to 20 grams of flax seeds.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic and raw apple cider vinegar is a healthy drink, worth taking if you have diabetes. On the other hand, taking apple cider vinegar daily may decline diabetes symptoms. Apple cider is considered an essential organic food to decrease blood fasting. Incorporating apple cider one spoon daily is worth it as it has less than 1 gram of carbohydrates.


If you genuinely want to lead a healthy life, make your lifestyle healthy, not boring.  More exercise and healthy food have a positive impact on your blood sugar levels. You must have heard that people who suffer from diabetes should not eat starchy and sugary food. However, eating a balanced diet plays a vital role in controlling your diabetes. You can keep control of how much to eat, and many doctors advise eating organic to cure this problem. Orgakawach Foods is an organic food selling store in Pune that sells 100% organic groceries. If you are at the same place and want to buy organic food in Pune, trust Orgakawach Foods. You can even get all the above listed organic food from them.

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