organic groceries online

Is the food you eat safe and free from pesticides? Well, it has a very clear answer that the vegetables and fruits which we get from the market are laden with many chemicals. Farmers usually spray pesticides and other harmful chemicals on the crops to protect them from damage.  Different pesticides like herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc., are sprayed and lets face the truth we eat pesticides laden food. On the other hand, lets talk about organic food. Organic products are healthier because they are free from harmful chemicals and are produced using natural fertilizers. You can switch to organic eating as these foods are healthy and it has become a trend too. You can even order organic groceries online as many online stores sell 100% pure organic products.

Why does pesticide-laden food have harmful effects?

  • Pesticides cancause several harmful effects like cancer, Alzheimer’s and even birth defects.
  • Pesticides can harm the foetuses inside because the chemical passes from the mother to the unborn.
  • Gradual consumption of pesticides is like a slow poison to your body.
  • Moreover, pesticides are even toxic for air, water, birds and the natural environment.
  • Pesticides have some acute effects on health like skin irritation, and it may cause other health problems too.
  • Pesticides affect the natural groundwater too. It is better to eat a freshly picked organic apple than to eat thousands of pesticides that linger on non-organic fruits.

Benefits of consuming organic and Pesticide-free food:

  1. Pesticides cutback:

When you buy organic food free from chemicals, you save yourself from harmful and fatal diseases. By eating non-organic food, you expose your body to all those hazardous chemicals that cause major diseases.

  1. Organic food has higher antioxidants:

Crops and foods that are grown organically contain more vitamins and nutrients. It’s not that organic foods do not contain fertilizers, but they are chemical-free and natural fertilizers. Organic plants protect themselves from harmful insects by producing more protective antioxidants. Naturally grown food has more than 60% of antioxidants that are good for health.

  1. Fresh and better taste:

Natural and pure food tastes better because when a crop grows naturally without chemical sprays, its taste enhances to a better level. Let’s take an example of organic fruits and vegetables. You might have noticed that the apple you eat does not taste the way organic apple tastes. The potatoes seem tasteless, and the other fruits are not that tasty. This all is because of the tampering that chemical fertilizers do to the taste of the food. The only solution to get back the natural taste is to shop for organic products and enjoy the incredible taste.

At last, while summing it up, it is crucial to choose your food wisely. If you desire to live a better and healthy life, switch to organic food. Many online stores in India sell organic products that are 100% safe and healthy. If you live in Pune, then there are several shops from where you can buy organic groceries. You can now Buy Organic food in Pune by sitting in the comfort of your home. Some stores provide you with fresh and high-quality organic food at your doorsteps.

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